The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Stephen Gray <> wrote:
> The Baha'i Studies Listserv

> Hi,
> Saudi Arabia is Hanbali, actually the only palce in the world where that
> specific jurisprudence exists.
> That's a map from wikipedia.

That's a nice map but I am worried that you may be oversimplifying a
bit how this works. For Sunnis there are 4 major "schools"  of
interpretation of Islamic law. And especially in the past, particular
Islamic rulers would have governed according to one of the 4 schools.
And so the map which you shared gives some indication of the
geographic distribution of those schools.

But in practice, following a particular school is to a large degree an
individual choice.
So in any given country you'll still find pockets of people following
madhabs other than the majority madhab (even in Saudi Arabia)

Also the Hanafi madhab is also predominant in Eastern Europe, China,
the former Ottoman lands and the Indian subcontinent so the number of
people there is larger than perhaps the area suggests.

And also another piece which makes the picture more complex is that
there is a relatively modern movement sometimes called Salafism or
Wahabism which theoretically strive to be independent from traditional
Muslim scholarship. It would be more accurate to say that Wahabism is
dominant in Saudi Arabia, not just the Hanbali school. And there are
many Muslims outside of Saudi Arabia who would regard Wahabism as a
form of heresy which only has as much prominence as it does because of
a coincidental alliance between Abdul-Wahab and the House of Saud
combined with the discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia.
> Sunni jurisprudences:
> According to the map Maliki jurisprudence covers the most territory.
> Shafi jurisprudence covers Indonesia which is the most populous Muslim
> county and some other areas.
> Hanafi jursiprudence does cover most of the Middle East.
> Hanbali jurisprudence covers Saudi Arabia, just Saudi Arabia.
> Shia jurisprudences:
> Jafari jurisprudence covers Iran, Iraq, and Azerbaijan.
> Zaidi juriprudence covers Yemen.
> Other juriprudences:
> Ibadi jurisprudence covers Oman.
> So, if you want to go to Saudi Arabia, knowledge of Hanbali jursiprudence is
> an absolute prerequisite.
> Stephen
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