The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Feminists would rather have us see individuals who are male and individuals
> who are female rather than men and women.

And there is a difference between being male and men or being female or women?

Each individual in the world is
> equal. They are the same in potentials and free will, but the use of their
> free will they can turn the into individualities who are unique and
> therefore different. Categories like male, female, or any other categories
> only exist in so far as their are male, female, etc. individuals that keep
> those categories in existence. Groups, clubs, societies, alliances,
> associations, leagues, families, state, countries, unions, companies,
> corporations, etc. only exists via the existence of their constituent
> individual members. If you split any mumber of people into several abritrary
> group via coin tosses or other random stats, you would wind up with each
> individual being the same in that they are all individuals, yet different
> via the free will to be unique. Males and females are no different from
> other categories.

All, I can say Stephen is that Abdu'l-Baha talked a lot about the
equality of women and men but he didn't emphasize the individualism. I
think He thought more in terms of community. But Sen will probably
disagree with me here.

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