El 1/7/22 a las 17:16, Cor Nouws escribió:

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 01/07/2022 13:54:

On 29/06/2022 22:29, Marco Marinello wrote:

I want to put it in black and white: being the most committing
contributor does not allow anyone to pick the source and move it away,
while have previously agreed to develop under a non profitable
foundation umbrella.

Apparently some things changed there?
I think I tried to explain earlier in this thread how delicate it is to have a balance.

I don't think TDF should get into services provision, we promote our members of the ecosystem to do that, but I did propose at the time to

Did you ever realize that your proposals are mostly very interesting for hosting companies and negative for ecosystem companies doing development, in this case Collabora?


Shouldn't you use your corporate email when you are in fact wearing your corporate hat?

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