So finally you accept that Hun Sen's propaganda towards the corpse of
Lon Nol and Pol Pot have undermined the unity of Cambodians. This bond
of unity has been gradually destroyed by Hun Sen whose public speech
has badly divided Cambodian society. Recent speech of Hun Sen about
Lon Nol did coup detat against King Sihanouk had become the key cause
of the war is surely creating more enmity among Khmer compatriots
rather than remedy the worse problem. Hun Sen didn't understand the
aura of the cold war at all, but he is good only in spitting over his
Khmer citizens.

I am grateful for your accepting this.


On Jun 24, 12:59 pm, kangaroo <> wrote:
> On Jun 24, 7:57 am, Khmer Young <> wrote:
> > Kangaroo;
> > You are still a smart manipulator. Get into the point, do not allow
> > your to derail. The key talk here is the dividing speech of Hun Sen.
> > He has always picked up the dead KR and Lon Nol to frighten the
> > Cambodian people especial to divide Khmer people and destroy this
> > nation into get this point? Read my analysis again.
> So you are saying that Hun Sen should say those things?
> You are probably right. The same thing should be applied to Sam
> Rainsy.
> Free speech is one thing. Action is another.
> You can apply free speech to one person. But you cannot deny it to
> another.
> People must have the save rights within a society.
> I don't know what you mean. Hun Sen is doing what Hun Sen wants to do
> when he is the prime minister of Cambodia. You can like or hate. Hun
> Sen may be wrong or right. Make it for yourself.
> Perhaps, you need to read my writing carefully before you are
> replying.
> I know that you think I am the one who support Hun Sen and his
> government.
> You have all of the rights to believe so.
> However, we can judge you very fast when you do that. We don't have to
> tell you. Then we can do all kind of things for you to spit out.
> Ofcourse, we can find the true you when you are tell us what you don't
> even understand.
> > Sam Rainsy cannot help the nation because:
> > - He is not the prime minister
> No one expect Sam Rainsy to save Cambodia. He may think he is doing it
> today.
> Read the messages carefully. I am attacking the policies of Sam Rainsy
> because I don't believe has the genuine fact to help Cambodia.
> This man wants to bring his bourgois to fulfill his thirst for what
> his family had lost. He knows nothing of being poor and ugly.
> > - Hun Sen has tried to get rid of him. Matter of fact, he cannot help
> > build Cambodia because CPP has driven him away by the kangaroo court
> > there...
> Don't you think that Sam Rainsy is trying to get rid of Hun Sen today?
> What is the difference?
> Are you trying to tell us that it is ok to trying to get rid of Hun
> Sen, but it doesn't work the other way?
> Remember! CPP and Hun Sen has been in the lead of Cambodia for a very
> long time.
> If they have sold Cambodia to Vietnam with a concrete evidence,
> Cambodians would have risen to fight for their own livelihood.
> > I hope this might enlighten you.
> That doesn't enlighten me.

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