On 29/07/2020 14:29, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:

This supposed Mentec Hobbyist License has been obsolete and invalid
for decades.  It never covered use on real PDP-11 hardware.  It was
only valid for one particular emulator which ceased to exist the
day Bob Supnik left DEC.  I

I think that emulator definitely continued beyond the point at which Bob Supnik left. You might be able to argue that it ceased to exist when DEC ceased to exist, but usually the rights and obligations would simply pass on to its successors (which probably means HPE ... which I think is where we started). Any, all that matters is is Mentec's successors interpretation.

t has floated around for ages and
apparently, still, no one has actually read it, but me!!

And me :-)

There was an attempt to get a PDP-11 Hobbyist Program from Mentec
many years later but it died on the vine and while they never
actually said why they decided not to do it, many of us had our

I'm curious. What suspicions?


Antonio Carlini

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