On Fri, 10 May 2024, Stuff Received via cctalk wrote:
I recall that MS sold a Pascal compiler, possibly from someone else. It was very slow and buggy. I heard a story that to speed up disc access, MS put FAT-manipulation code in the actual compiler and that occasionally destroyed the FAT.

Sorry Stuff, ain't so.

Bob Wallace wrote the Microsoft Pascal compiler, while he was at Microsoft. He was their tenth employee. He told me that their runtime library (which he didn't write) is buggy and slow. So slow that it made benchmarks with their Fortran compiler (which also used the buggy and slow runtime library), perform SLOWER than interpreted BASIC.

But, it certainly did NOT do anything to the disk; certainly no messing with the FAT.

If you had FAT corruption issues, perhaps you had SMARTDRV enabled with write cacheing (which did occasionally mess up the FAT).

Grumpy Ol' Fred                 ci...@xenosoft.com

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