On 2024-05-10 1:01 p.m., Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
There have been some minor skirmishes in the MCU world over what
language should be used when programming.

EASY!  OCTAL! If it worked on the 8 it is good enough for me.

C/C++ is very much top dog, probably because the development suites are
written for that.

There's a small group that advocates Python; and some say that Ada is
best.  But they represent a very small segment.


I think it is more the case UNIX was around, and written in assembler.
The egg. Then we got B, a Archaeopteryx  and flock of chickens that all
start with C.
C generates real code output and not some virtual machine, another important factor as well as having bit fields and structures. The late 70's , early 80's where the golden years of computing.
C,Pascal and PL/M are the only big names for 8 bit cpu's, and what came

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