Is that the job? Then, yeah, you are probably right there. I'm not sure
what job you are hypothesizing, though. It's true that if you hire a gay
pastor for a southern baptist church, you'd lose business and that would be
bad. I'd say that the person in question could not reasonably do that job
in a way where their homosexuality was neutral to their work performance
and ought to go.

Given the same set of requirements, could a gay CF developer do the same
level of work as a straight CF programmer? Does their sexual orientation
have any reasonable negative impact on the job they need to do?  That's the
whole notion of "rational basis for discrimination" that you'll see if
judicial discussions.


On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 9:43 AM, LRS Scout <> wrote:

> Ok, so if you live a lifestyle of "sin", you will effect the impression of
> my business within my religious community, which will also impact ny bottom
> line.
> On May 19, 2014 12:37 PM, "Judah McAuley" <> wrote:

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