All dogs are different in how long they carry the pups. Some are right on time 
and some not. The first litter we ever had, Trixie popped one pup out at 8pm 
and went to sleep. Took her to the vet the next morning and she wasn't in 
labor. She had the other 4 pups around noon the next day. Both of my girls had 
no probs with delivery. They both had large litters tho. Trixie is tiny and the 
runt of both of her litters was under-developed and didn't make it. Izzie had a 
false pregnancy and then went into heat 2 months later. I didn't have time to 
get her fixed and my little guy got her thru the crate lol. She had 6 pups. All 
lived. The runt has a soft skull, small hydrocephalus, a hole in her heart, 
umbilical hernia, deformed tail that was broken in the womb, an under-developed 
bottom jaw, no front teeth and her tongue hangs out. She is almost 7 mos old 
and 1.8lbs. She's a little fighter. Eats like a horse and is so hyper lol The 
vet was shocked that she was still alive lol
Another pup from the last litter had a liver shunt at 13 weeks but he has been 
off meds and on normal food for a month now and is doing great. 
Good luck with your pups. Make sure to give the pups nutrical so they don't get 
hypoglycemia. We lost a couple from our first litter because I didn't know 
about the low blood sugar thing. 
Oh and both my girls are fixed now. No more babies for us!!!

        (♥)  Crystal (♥)

On Nov 16, 2011, at 9:47 PM, Cindy Dawson <> wrote:

> I have called the vet he Said just watch her temp when it drop down to 98 she 
> going in to laber this is her first and last litter. and they can go a little 
> past there due date. so I am just watching her and I got the Vet on speed 
> dile. I will post Pitcher when they come, thank you for your help.
> From: D M Robinson <>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] (unknown)
> And this is why I don't breed.<330.gif>..LOL To much to worry about, don't 
> know about male being bigger, so I'm sending some Prayers that she has her 
> puppies just fine...and I hope you post pictures<332.gif>
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Cindy Dawson <> 
> wrote:
> [Attachment(s) from Cindy Dawson included below]
> I have A Chihuahua. that is a day a way from her Due Date and I am A worryed 
> Mama the male she Breed with is Biger then she is. has any one breed a female 
> to a biger male is there a chance she will not beable to Deliver them becouse 
> he was biger then she is or am I worry about nothing. this is her First 
> litter. her Mother  was breed to a smaller male and she alway had her baby a 
> few day befor her due date. and Mother and Puppy came out fine.

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