Asaf Bartov, 24/09/20 17:37:
> What I was looking for, specifically, was a few examples of a GLAM
> institution intentionally contributing (directly to Commons) footage of a
> non-Wikimedia event taking place under its auspices 

I have troubles understanding the meaning of "intentionally" here. When
one chooses a free license for distribution somewhere, surely it's an
intentional decision to see it reused in places like Wikimedia Commons.
I wouldn't care about who physically clicks the button to upload the
work to Commons rather than Internet Archive or Vimeo or PeerTube or

A more interesting question would be whether entities create materials
*specifically designed* to be used on Wikimedia projects, say a concert
organised specifically to produce a recording to be used on the
corresponding (public domain) work's Wikipedia article and Wikibooks
pages. There were a few such cases but they're usually organised
together with Wikimedia chapters.

> -- a lecture, a
> concert, a reading, anything.  I admit I am surprised at how vanishingly
> little of *that* we seem to have on Commons.

Concerts are nearly impossible to get copyright clearance for after the
fact, readings are more often about modern works unless one is
intentionally creating public domain/CC-0 material, lectures are used
rarely on Wikimedia projects. We do have some things like

> I guess I will encourage librarians to do this *without* offering existing
> examples. :-/

That would be unfortunate.

Fondazione BEIC has just published under cc-by-sa some video messages
from Italian professors and famous showpeople on the importance of
libraries. I can transfer them to Wikimedia Commons if that helps your case!

I just uploaded this with my BEIC hat, is it cheating? ;-)


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