On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 06:02:27 +0100
Olivier Blin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribed on electronic parchment:

> On Tue, 04 Nov 2003 21:16:23 -0500
> Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > OH!  I take it all back...
> really ? :)
> > I just spent a whopping 20 minutes writing a song about how cool 2.6
> > is, and then I went to record it, and my bloody audio interface won't
> > work.
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] austin]# tail /var/log/messages
> > Nov  4 21:11:15 gamma373-179 kernel: hub 1-0:1.0: new USB device on
> > port 1, assigned address 4
> > Nov  4 21:11:15 gamma373-179 kernel: drivers/usb/core/config.c:
> > invalid alternate setting 4 for interface 1
> > Nov  4 21:11:15 gamma373-179 kernel: usb 1-1: can't read
> > configurations, error -22
> > 
> > It's an M-Audio Quattro USB interface.  It works fine with the latest
> > 2.4 kernel, especially the tmb version.
> Can I have a look at your /proc/bus/usb/devices ?
> Your problem has been reported here :
> http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg09733.html
> You could try to ask on the linux-usb-devel mailing list.
> ( http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/linux-usb-devel )

Well, I agree that 2.6 is wonderful, to a point :-(  I would write a
song, but I sound horrible singing, so we'll leave that to Austin.  Great
song, btw!

I do have have some minor niggles wtih 2.6 test9.4mdk:

USB problem with sync between JPilot and a Sony Clie (Palm OS).  Also with
usbnet to a Sharp Zaurus with embedded Linux.  Neither can communicate with
the desktop.  The Zaurus I use vnc to a vncserver on the Zaurus, and rsync
to backup the Zaurus to desktop.  My USB 6 in 1 flash card reader is ok,
even with supermount that I enabled to test.

For Video, the bttv driver for my TV card loads ok as I can see in the
logs, but exits somewhere (cannot fine where!), and I have to do a modprobe
bttv in a terminal to get TV or radio to work.  After that it is fine until
the next boot.

I have something going on with sound from xmms playing oggs, but I am not
sure it is the 2.6 kernel.  I have it with the 2.4 kernel, but rarely, and
seems more frequent with 2.6.  I seem to notice a chopping or clipping or
skips, but there is no pattern I can find.  

I think I'm a little more paranoid about it than with the 2.4 kernel, so it
might just be in my head. I did change my music manager (RhythmBox) since
there are some gstreamer / alsa bugs, they have been reported.  I'll keep
working on that one.  I'm using MadMan now that uses xmms as the player.

Could the 0.9.7 asla driver with 0.9.6 libalsa and alsa-utils make any

Those are all minor bugs to solve (I think) so overall, 2.6 seems to be
almost there.  The usb connection to my  PDAs is the biggest issue for me.

Anything as far as logs Oliver?  Thanks for your great work on this kernel!


OOPS - Anyone know a term that will allow me to copy from?  I've tried
Aterm, Xerm, Eterm, RXVT, Gnome MultiTerm.  I'm using X with FluxBox, and
have no KDE and only a few Gnome libs to use the GDM so I can play with
other window managers.

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