I have tried kernel-
on a PC with IDE ext3 root partition.
I get this error from mount:
hda5: bad access: block=2, count=2
then I get bad superblock and more errors.
I use a ram disk, as I have a SCSI CD writer.
On another PC with a SCSI HD I also get
a mount error of a more cryptic nature (error 6).
This was with with 23mdk. I have not tried 24mdk.
On both systems I have a ext2 /boot partition,
and / is an ext3 partition.
The root ext3 partition is fairly old. I have upgraded
several times. Has ext3 changed at some time?
/dev/sda5 / ext3 defaults 1 1
/dev/sda1 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
I am running 2.4.22-21mdkenterprise now.
Is there anything that I could try?
I am using mount-2.11z-8mdk.
I see that mount-2.11z-9mdk is in cooker.
Should that make any difference?

 -- Bjarne

On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 14:14, Gwenole Beauchesne wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Bjarne Thomsen wrote:
> > Any news about the 23mdk panic?
> Sorry, we tried many configurations to no avail. :-( i.e. it still works. 
> Among others things, tried with an xfs /boot, reiserfs /, ext3 /home, it 
> works. Tried a 2 disks configuration: first disk with some ntfs garbage, 
> /home in ext3, second disk with the / system et al. Unfortunately, they 
> all worked.
> If you could please test -24mdk and report if you get some "inconsistent
> partition table"  error message when initting disks, that would help.
Bjarne Thomsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Institute of Physics & Astronomy

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