On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 01:32, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> James Sparenberg wrote:
> > On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 03:41, Teletchéa Stéphane wrote:
> > Or if your are in a situation like mine.  A mixed Linux/Unix enviroment
> > where One box with 9.1 on it (and likely to never be more than 2 or 3
> > out of about 150) ZeroConf has Zero effect.  Argue all you want about
> > POST configuration reactions.  The first time you start MDK if you are
> > using any gnome appolication or proftpd.  The applications will not
> > start. period.  Until you either
> >
> >    a) Edit /etc/hosts
> >    b) Give up on proftpd / gnome and use something else.
> c) Fix your DNS.
> Any unix evnironment should have working DNS, otherwise all sorts of
> things are issues. Set your hostname on your machine to match the name
> its IP resolves to.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bgmilne]$ grep ` hostname -s` /etc/hosts
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bgmilne]$
> My Gnome works just fine. On any machine in our network, without doing
> anything to /etc/hosts. But our DHCP and DNS are setup right.
> >
> > This continual attempt to justify something that doesn't work in a mixed
> > environment is really getting on my nerves and I apologize for seeming
> > harsh.  ZeroConf might be a great idea.  It might have benefits.  BUT if
> > the world around it doesn't speak ZeroConf, and the users box isn't
> > working no amount time spent justifying it still leaves one result.  The
> > box doesn't work.  The expected result isn't achieved. The user is
> > picked off.  Sorry for the rant.  I'll crawl back in my hole.  Note this
> > in my "data file" and know that MDK still won't be something I can just
> > hand someone a disk and say "have fun".
> Zeroconf should only come into effect *when you have no decent network
> infrastructure*. And it works with all Apples recent software.
> Buchan

OK let's try this again... please listen carefully.... slowly ....
install MDK... start box for the very first time.  Box is not connected
to the net.  Box has not yet been configured.  Box is brand new.  Gnome
does not start.... proftpd does not start.  Similar applications that
initially look for localhost.localdomain before the box is configured do
not work...  We are talking pre configuration out of the box.  brand new
not aware of the world .... not 5 hours after and everything is set up. 
Criminy if I didn't know how to set the systems up I wouldn't have known
what the problem is.  How hard is it to understand that all that is
needed is the default config of /etc/hosts to be localhost.localdomain localhost

Like every other release of Linux / Unix /Windows / Qnix / AmigaOS out
there in the world.  After 30 freaking years of Telecommunications
systems and networks there isn't a whole lot of the basics I haven't
seen.  What I have seen is a whole passle of saviours of the (Lan wan
arpanet internet etc) come and go.  Out of the box not connected to
anything but itself gnome, gnome apps take forever to start because of
the change in what is normally available.  You can set up DNS, I'm


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