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Teletchéa Stéphane wrote:
> Le ven 28/02/2003 à 10:22, Luca Olivetti a écrit :
>>IIRC it was introduced to fix a broken sendmail at the time (that needed
>>both a hostname and a domain).

And mandrake does not even default to sendmail.

> I'm not 'disagreeing' on Buchan's point, but as i don't know where it
> comes, and i don't know how to correct it (except providing the first
> answer ...), i'll ask you one question :
> Should this behaviour be fixed ?

Yes, 'host `hostname`' or 'getent hosts `hostname`' should work out the
box on every machine.

> I'd say yes.
> How should it be fixed :
> - If it is gnome's problem, gnome must be fixed (RC1, remember it ???),
> same thing for others program ...

No, gnome is not broken. `hostname` *must* resolve, otherwise even ssh
`hostname` may cause delays.

> - If it is because of no hostname (which is not asked by default when
> you set up an RTC modem connection), the post-installation process
> should take this into account.

The incorrect default is used. It should be "localhost", not

> I'm not able to code it, or track it down, but I INSIST, this is a BUG,
> there is no point in arguing about it.

No one ever argued that it was not a bug. Your description of the bug
was not totally correct, but the behaviour is incorrect.

> Now please let's focus on the way of fixinf it.

Well, no-one else (who had problems with it, our machines work fine
sinec we use DDNS and it works right out-the-box with no configuration
on our part) thought it worthwhile to vote for the bug, but I have
confirmed it now.

Guys, if a bug bothers you, and it has not been confirmed yet, *vote*
for it!


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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