Vladimir, don't you need to replace checkIndex with checkOffset in indexOf and lastIndexOf, so that we allow count == length?


On 3/22/17 8:35 AM, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
So are we convinced that the proposed changes will never lead to a
crash due to a missing or incorrect bounds check, due to a racy use of
an unsynchronized ASB instance e.g. StringBuilder?

If only we had a static analysis tool that could tell us if the code is
safe.  Because we don't, in my initial changeset, we always take a
snapshot of the ASB fields by passing those field values to StringUTF16
before doing checks on them. And I wrote a test to make sure that those
StringUTF16 interfaces are catching all the underflows and overflows I
could imagine, and I added verification code to detect when a check was

However, all the reviewers have requested to minimize the amount of
changes.  In Vladimir's version, if there is a missing check somewhere,
then yes it could lead to a crash.

I'd like to point out that asserts and verification code are disabled by default. They are invaluable during problem diagnosis, but don't help at all from defence-in-depth perspective.

But I agree that it's easier to reason about and test the initial version of the fix.

I wonder if the reviewers have fully realized the potential impact here?
This has exposed a flaw in the way intrinsics are used from core classes.

FTR here are the checks I omitted in the minimized version (modulo separation of indexOf/lastIndexOf for trusted/non-trusted callers):


Other than that, the difference is mainly about undoing refactorings and removing verification logic (asserts + checks in the JVM).

There are still unsafe accesses which are considered safe in both versions (see StringUTF16.Trusted usages in the initial version [1]).

We used to provide safe wrappers for unsafe intrinsics which makes it much easier to reason about code correctness. I'd like to see compact string code refactored that way and IMO the initial version by Dean is a big step in the right direction.

I still prefer to see a point fix in 9 and major refactoring happening in 10, but I'll leave the decision on how to proceed with the fix to core-libs folks. After finishing the exercise minimizing the fix, I'm much more comfortable with the initial fix [1] (though there are changes I consider excessive).

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

[1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dlong/8158168/webrev.0

Some clarifications:


The bounds check is needed only in String.nonSyncContentEquals when it
extracts info from AbstractStringBuilder. I don't see how out of
bounds access can happen in String.contentEquals:
         if (n != length()) {
             return false;
             for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                 if (StringUTF16.getChar(val, i) != cs.charAt(i)) {



I think bounds checks in StringConcatHelper.prepend() are skipped
intentionally, since java.lang.invoke.StringConcatFactory constructs
method handle chains which already contain bounds checks: array length
is precomputed based on argument values and all accesses are
guaranteed to be in bounds.

This is calling the trusted version of getChars() with no bounds
checks.  It was a little more obvious when I had the Trusted inner


+    static void putChar(byte[] val, int index, int c) {
+        assert index >= 0 && index < length(val) : "Trusted caller
missed bounds check";

Unfortunately, asserts can affect inlining decisions (since they
increase bytecode size). In order to minimize possible performance
impact, I suggest to remove them from the fix targeting 9.


private static int indexOfSupplementary(byte[] value, int ch, int
fromIndex, int max) {
         if (Character.isValidCodePoint(ch)) {
             final char hi = Character.highSurrogate(ch);
             final char lo = Character.lowSurrogate(ch);
+            checkBoundsBeginEnd(fromIndex, max, value);

The check is redundant here. fromIndex & max are always inbounds by

    public static int indexOf(byte[] value, int ch, int fromIndex) {
        int max = value.length >> 1;
        if (fromIndex < 0) {
            fromIndex = 0;
        } else if (fromIndex >= max) {
            // Note: fromIndex might be near -1>>>1.
            return -1;
            return indexOfSupplementary(value, ch, fromIndex, max);


I moved bounds checks from StringUTF16.lastIndexOf/indexOf to
ABS.indexOf/lastIndexOf. I think it's enough to do range check on
ABS.value & ABS.count. After that, all accesses should be inbounds by
construction (in String.indexOf/lastIndexOf):

    static int lastIndexOf(byte[] src, byte srcCoder, int srcCount,
                           String tgtStr, int fromIndex) {

        int rightIndex = srcCount - tgtCount;
        if (fromIndex > rightIndex) {
            fromIndex = rightIndex;
        if (fromIndex < 0) {
            return -1;

    public static int lastIndexOf(byte[] src, int srcCount,
                                  byte[] tgt, int tgtCount, int
fromIndex) {
        int min = tgtCount - 1;
        int i = min + fromIndex;
        int strLastIndex = tgtCount - 1;
        char strLastChar = getChar(tgt, strLastIndex);

        while (true) {
            while (i >= min && getChar(src, i) != strLastChar) {

There are 2 places:
  * getChar(tgt, strLastIndex) => getChar(tgt, tgtCount-1) - inbound

  * getChar(src, i); i in [ min; min+fromIndex ]
    min = tgtCount - 1
    rightIndex = srcCount - tgtCount
    fromIndex <= rightIndex

0 <= min + fromIndex <= min + rightIndex == (tgtCount - 1)
+ (srcCount - tgtCount) == srcCount - 1

    Hence, should be covered by the check on count & value:
      public int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex) {
+         byte[] value = this.value;
+         int count = this.count;
+         byte coder = this.coder;
+         checkIndex(count, value.length >> coder);
          return String.lastIndexOf(value, coder, count, str,

OK, I will go with your version if it's OK with Sherman.


Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

On 3/17/17 5:58 AM, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:

I have the same concern. Can we fix the immediate problem in 9 and
integrate verification logic in 10?

OK, Tobias is suggesting having verification logic only inside the
intrinsics.  Are you suggesting removing that as well?

Yes and put them back in 10.

I'm OK with removing all the verification, but that won't reduce
library changes much.  I could undo the renaming to
Trusted.getChar, but
we would still have the bounds checks moved into StringUTF16.

I suggest to go with a point fix for 9: just add missing range

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