-Caveat Lector-

> In school today, I saw my peers laughing about the massacre which happened in
> Columbine yesterday.

 That shows how desensitized they have become courtesy of the best
brainwasher/programmer of all. T.V.

> Some were giggling and joking around, pointing at people
> who were wearing black, saying that they were members of the Trenchcoat
> Mafia.

That shows how well the social engineering works at making people fit into a
group. Then they make fun of
people being different.

> The people who were wearing black said nothing in reply to them, but
> I, one of them, was wearing black because of the deaths yesterday.

They could probably care less what other people think. Evidentially, the are
secure in who they are and don't
entertain the immature ramblings of others. You wore it for the right reasons.

> Society
> has raised a youth insensitive to horror, insensitive to each other, and far
> too familiar with ways of destruction.

It's part of a larger agenda. The Committee of 300/Ruling Elite/New World Order
needs to disarm the people
before they can take over.

> All my peers at school today-- the
> most they could say was, "gee, isn't that bad".. the next moment they were
> laughing and joking. I don't feel that they should have been outraged and
> sadden and stricken all day, but at least show a *little* compassion. My
> belief is that this generation now, mine, is too callous and most likely
> cannot be changed to be aware of the actuality of horror..

By the time they are 16, they have seen an average of 8,000 murders. When you
watch T.V., your eyes can't see
the flickering of the screen. This put your brain in Alpha waves. Everything you
see goes into your subconscious.
You might think you can discern right from wrong. Your frontal lobe need to be in
Beta for it to work. Read

> >  The latest trend is it not, to murder school kids....Halloween, was i
> designed to terrify little children and turn murderers and butchers against
> them?<
> What are you talking about?
> >  And what about abortion; if a woman wants an abortion, do it quietly
> between the doctor and patient....now our children observe their mothers
> murdering their babies.   Arent we nice and setting nice examples...let alone
> Doctor Kovorkian, or whatever his name is.   He is where he belongs; they
> should put him on death role to assist those condemned to die, in a more
> humane manner....<

People on death row need no sympathy. Unless they were set up by 'someone'
and are going to die innocently. It happened before and will happen again. Unless
we somehow figure out how to revamp the legal system so not outside influence
is allowed.

> Jesus woman, Doctor Kevorkian was doing a good thing-- providing a clean
> humane way for people whose quality of life and health has gone down the
> drain to die peacefully and with dignity! The 'nice example'? Children, I
> believe, are not going to be influenced by Doc Kevorkian.. The prison system,
> for them to allow Doctor Kevorkian not to eat.. aren't they letting him
> commit suicide? illegal? huh? HUH?? *spaz*
> >  The movie industry is controlled by our government; the five major
> publishing houses were bought by the Mafia some time back, and in 1974 World<

The movie industry is controlled by big money who get their scripts juiced up by
the social
engineers. Watch for the trends in movies. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to
what direction they want the mindless masses to go. Goes for T.V. too.

> So the government wants children to blow people up?

The ruling elite would love that. But they need to get the guns first. The
government is trying
to get them due to the crying of the people who can't realize that people kill
people and the
guns are just the means by which it was carried out. I'm sure bombs are next.

> >  Now here is Clinton playing another humanitarian role, while he and his
> butchers of Waco and the Balkans send in armed troop virtually ready to blast
> away at the school.   Can you imagine what might have happened here, if the
> killers were alone in the building...and had not killed themselves.<

How do you know they killed themselves? It's far more plausible that they were
If  they were taken alive, it wouldn't be as shocking.

> Let's pity the killers, those who chose, I'm almost certain beyond a doubt,
> to kill on their own.. No one was shot by the police (as far as I know), and
> if the killers were alone in the building.. I would expect what they did to
> come right back and get them
> >  The one thing that I detested this afternoon, was a young man, who said
> "oh nobody liked them, they were scum"....now I wonder why these kids would
> do >as they did.....who got their hooks into them, who set them off....and
> why today?    These kids were obviously on drugs, and this Mafia
> stuff....well how about >a few moremovies with DiNiro playing the Godfather;
> he is in trouble now in Italy for criminal connections.<

They were programmed and something set them off. Each individual is programmed
by various different means. Some absorb the information faster and process it
Nevertheless, it is in everyone differently. It manafests itself differently in
each person.
For more info on this, research publications about Tavistock or social

> Of course people in high school are going to be picked on, cliques are GOING
> to be formed, always have, always will be.. the way people deal with the
> taunting, with the exclusion, that is what we should concern ourselves with,
> not breaking cliques.. Yes, the children should be taught to treat each other
> well, give them the respect every living creature should get..  "These kids
> were obviously on drugs"-- sure, they could have been on drugs, prolly PCP,
> but still, not everyone who commits a heinous act is gonna be a druggie..
> Mafia? Most kids in highschool don't know jack about the Mafia. Someone
> mentions the word, and all they think of is a band of people who have lots of
> money who kill people. 99% of them wouldn't have the patience to sit through
> the Godfather!

Sounds like you can see what is really going on. The 'Mafia' you refer to is
really a
group of the richest people and families on Earth who have been trying since
to establish a one world government. They refer us to as 'cattle' or 'useless
bottom eaters'.
They want to reduce the population to about 500 million. Lots of fun stuff, huh? I
this list has a book guide for education.

> >  A lot of evil is coming out of Colorado; from Ted Bundy, the guy that shot
> Reagan, these kids, the little Jon Benet Ramsey.....the horrible movie that
> got the Oscar, about the butchers which was said to be a comedy that got an
> academy award.<
> 'Let's go to Colorado and destroy the evil! Colorado is terrible, let's put
> the blame there..'

Colorado is part of the heartland. If it happens there, people assume it will in
city.  Theoretically yes, plausible no. Just stay away from the hype they blast on

> I don't know. This just sickens me, that the student-shooters would have that
> great, apparently uncontrollable, urge to go and kill.. It's true that the
> blame shouldn't be put on music, or movies, or parents, or just slapped on
> society, or the government.. Or the schools? (I heard the old purpose of
> schools was to make productive, law-abiding citizens)..
> I've been raised in a violent household. I've made it my choice to turn from
> those practices which I have seen over the past 16 years. My brother, on the
> other hand, while he won't come out and denounce the violence, I know that he
> is very inclined to go out and use abusive language and be physically
> violent. But I'm just a high school student, I still don't really know
> anything, and I should keep my nose in my academics..
> -Suzy

Your education is part of their plan. Take your nose out of their crap and read
books that will give you the big picture. But be prepared to be called something
like a 'conspiracy nut'. Read the books and decide the truth for yourself. If you
stay on this list, get tough skin. People tend not to agree with everything said.
is good. Keeps you thinking.


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> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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