On Sat, 1 May 2021, Fulup Ar Foll wrote:

As the error status exist in synchronous mode, it is obvious that you handle it somewhere. I would have hope to get it from curl_easy_getinfo with something like:

    curl_easy_getinfo(httpRqt->easy, CURLINFO_xxxxx_xxxxx, &code);

Unfortunately from what I understand the code "invalid_credential" is not store into curl_easy_getinfo. With current behavior, I got CURLMSG_DONE without any data, this allow me to understand something went wrong, but I cannot make the difference in between a wrong LDAP search and invalid credentials (in both case socket connection is established and no data return).

You told us how curl_easy_perform() would return an error code for this situation. I explained how you get the exact same error code when you instead use the multi interface.

That has nothing to do with curl_easy_getinfo().


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