Gioele Barabucci <> writes:

> Just as an example, bootstrapping coreutils currently requires
> bootstrapping at least 68 other packages, including libx11-6 [1]. If 
> coreutils supported <nodoc> [2], the transitive closure of its
> Build-Depends would be reduced to 20 packages, most of which in 
> build-essential.
> [1]
> [2]

Coreutils in Debian uses upstream tarballs and does not do a full
bootstrap build.  It does autoreconf instead of ./bootstrap.  So the
dependencies above is not the entire bootstrapping story to build
coreutils from git compared to building from tarballs.

It would help if upstreams would publish PGP-signed 'git-archive'-style
tarballs, including content from git submodules in them.

Relying on signed git tags is not reliable because git is primarily
SHA1-based which in 2019 cost $45K to do a collission attack for.


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