Le Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 03:05:12PM -0700, Sean Whitton a écrit :
> For any technical topic (including DEPs) it is important that we can
> find old discussions in the future, easily, and without there being too
> many entrypoints into the search.

Hi Sean,

in my experience of DEP driver and Policy editor, long discussion
archives, especially when they spread over multiple years, are a barrier
to contribution.  Not only they are increadibly noisy (think for
instance of discussion archives in the BTS mostly made of quotes of the
previous messages), but also they are not even comprehensive (for
instance when part of the discussion happens on IRC or at Debconf).

In that sense, I would expect structured discussion systems such as
Discourse to be a potential time saver, and therefore lower the barrier
for contribution to everybody: those who contribute their point of view,
and those who summarise them.

Have a nice day,


Charles Plessy
Akano, Uruma, Okinawa, Japan

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