Hi Adrian and others,

Am Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 06:33:52PM +0200 schrieb Adrian Bunk:
> > This is really hard to do, thought.  The new packages are needing those
> > packages from the transition.  I actually injected two packages from
> > higher levels manually to be able to build one of the new packages.  So
> > we really need to upload the start of the transition and I do not see
> > any sense in not documenting what we are doing without the transition
> > tracker.
> >...
> Your transition is special because you are manually uploading every 
> single package involved in the transition.
> You could upload everything to experimental, run a local ben tracker 
> against experimental, and when the transition is complete in 
> experimental contact the release team for the transition in unstable.
> The actual transition is then a batch of "Upload to unstable".

Thanks for all helpful hints.  I understand that with some effort over
the current workflow it is possible to do the transition differently.
The only thing which I did not yet understood is the actual drawback of
the current workflow.  I do not think that it takes specifically longer
than other transition - we just have a different set of showstoppers to
get it done in 24 hours.  In the past we got support by ftpmaster when
pinging them and explaining the transition issue.

If I'm missing the point here I'm perfectly fine to enhance the
procedure - I just fail to see the actual problem we want to solve
by the suggested methods.

Kind regards



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