Hi Nilesh,

Le lun. 21 nov. 2022 à 18:29, Nilesh Patra <nil...@debian.org> a écrit :
> Lastly I also want to higlight that: while bioc transition is in theory a 
> transition (I agree)
> but to my understanding, there is no _real_ API change. It is just the tool 
> taking the
> API field from DESCRIPTION file into consideration, and causing FTBFS if it 
> does not match.
> In principle, building a package that has an older API value in DESCRIPTION 
> file with the newer
> one does not break anything, it rather looks as updates of various packages 
> disguised as an API
> change, and at least in debian land, to me it just appears as a broken tool 
> config and not a real
> transition (like library transition, for example the recent onetbb one).

Before having this r-api-bioc virtual package, transitions were even
worse. We had a lot of autopkgtest
issues only because a mix of r-bioc pkgs installed from the old and
from the new bioconductor releases.
Issues which solved by themselves when the transition is over and of
course, users were complaining
about broken packages during the transition. We were losing a lot of
time to investigate these issues.
With this r-api-bioc mechanism, we don't allow this mixture of r-bioc
pkgs and thus we limit these
temporary issues.

Adding this r-api-bioc virtual package has another consequence, now we
can take advantage of the
transition tracker and upload packages following levels. Before the
order of the uploads were a bit
random and again we lose of lot of time to figure out in which order
we have to update them.


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