On 1/18/24 00:50, David Christensen wrote:
On 1/17/24 20:20, gene heskett wrote:
On 1/17/24 19:58, David Christensen wrote:
On 1/17/24 15:58, gene heskett wrote:
Now the question is how did it make this: homevol s/b very close to /home  in size but:
root@coyote:~# df && free
Filesystem      1K-blocks      Used  Available Use% Mounted on
udev             16327704         0   16327704   0% /dev
tmpfs             3272684      1912    3270772   1% /run
/dev/sda1       863983352  22348472  797673232   3% /
tmpfs            16363420      1244   16362176   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                5120         8       5112   1% /run/lock
/dev/sda3        47749868       784   45291076   1% /tmp
/dev/md0p1     1796382580 335102676 1369954928  20% /home
tmpfs             3272684      4956    3267728   1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sdh1      1967892164 354519236 1513336680  19% /mnt/homevol
                total        used        free      shared buff/cache available Mem:        32726840     3417576      515520      934540    30072184 29309264
Swap:      111902712        2048   111900664

It somehow changed 335G into 354G. Thinking the AppImages dir is full of soft links of short names pointing at the long filename and had turned the links into duplicates, that was the first thing I checked, but it was all good soft-links, so where did the extra 19.4G's come from? Can filesystem ext4's overhead account for that?

I suggest running rsync(1) with --dry-run, --log-file=FILE, --itemize_changes, and whatever other options are needed to find the differences.  Please RTFM rsync(1) to choose your options.  These look useful:

     --archive, -a    (-rlptgoD)
Why --delete?

If you have files on the destination from a previous run of rsync(1) and they no longer exist on the source, --delete will get rid of extraneous files on the destination.

     --hard-links, -H
     --one-file-system, -x
     --sparse, -S
or --sparse?

First, you need to understand what "sparse file" means:


If you have sparse files on the source -- say, 10 GB virtual machine images -- then you want rsync(1) to create sparse files on the destination.

Well, my abundance of curiosity, may have killed the cat, but if I understand how rsync's -a works, re-running the same command will only update for the incoming email and any posts I've made while it was running the first time.  So the same command quoted last is now running again. when it has exited, which it has now done in about 15 minutes I'll edit fstab to remove the 60 gigs of swap on md1, remove the existing mount of md0p1 as /home taking the raid10 completely out of the system. And add the mounting of LABEL=homevolsdh1 as the /home partition and reboot. In the event I have to re-install, the raid will still contain my data and can be recovered. I already have a dvd with the most recent netinstall burnt. All I have to do is convince it to not install orca and brltty. Probably by unplugging _all_ usb stuff except the keyboard and mouse buttons.

What would solve many of my problems is a bit of help from someone who it running trinity to tell me how to install it on a system w/o any installed gui which obviously disables synaptic. That leaves apt, apt-get, and aptitude, unless there is a better way. aptitude is uncontrollable, has fixed me once, has torn the system down to another install 3 times so the odds are not in my favor.

So those fstab edits have been done, next is a reboot

You should be able to migrate your /home file system from RAID10 to an SSD without needing to reinstall Debian.

The migration took two passes because udev can't make up its alleged mind so I was finally forced to use the rescue mode to edit fstab to mount it by UUID and that worked, I've got /home on the copy right now. and I took the 60 G's of swap out too since I've never used more the 20G with any gfx program, so I figure 47G's on /dev/sda is enough. So now none of the raid is mounted, but the 30+ second lag when opening a write path is still there, so I was erroneously blaming the raid. So I've narrowed the problem but w/o a good clue what to do next. One thing that bothers me is there is no way the installers parted shows partition names for non-raid disks. To me that is a serious bug. It appears from the help that it can LABEL a partition but can't read that LABEL. parted when asked to print all does that just fine, but the | doesn't put it to less, so it scrolls off screen the top 60% of a parted's print all output at some fraction of C speed. Not exactly helpful. I have other things to do while I cogitate on what to do next. Many thanks to all that helped.

If you use rsync(1), I suggest using some kind of integrity checking tool to verify that the source and destination file systems are identical.  I prefer BSD mtree(8):

I assume I'd have to remount the raid like to /raid?
Whew!  That's got more arguments than rsync...


(Be careful not to confuse the above with mtree(5) via libarchive.)



Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

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