On 6/13/2014 9:36 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

On 6/13/14, 12:24 PM, Gregg Smith wrote:
Old instrucions for building in IDE really. If you want to build in the
IDE just open apr-util.dsw and allow VC to convert.

If you want to build at the command line;
Yeah, I'd like something that I can script. Right now, there's basically
one guy who knows how to build tcnative on win32. We're trying to change
that ;)

On 6/13/2014 8:49 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

I'm trying to build apr on win32 from the command-line and I'm running
into some resistance. I'm using Visual Studio 12 on Windows 8.1. I have
installed the "Windows SDK" as well to try to help, but it doesn't seem
to have improved things.

I'm following the instructions found here:

I have downloaded the ZIP files for apr, apr-util, and apr-iconv and put
them into the requisite directories.

I've run VS's VC\bin\vcvars32.bat to get the build tools in the path,
 From here cd to c:\work\apr-util then

nmake /f makefile.win ARCH="Win32 Release" buildall checkall

See the makefile.win file for all possible options.
Okay, that seems to get started, but I haven't told it where to find
OpenSSL. I'd like to make sure that the crypto routines get built, and
makefile.win doesn't really make it clear (to me, anyway) how to specify
where the OpenSSL libraries, headers, etc. exist.

It looks like ../crypto/[cryptos] should exist and perhaps it will
automatically look for ../crypto/openssl/stuff. Do I have that right?

Crypto, here's what you'll have to do;

Edit apr-util\include\apu.hw and change the 0 to 1 for

#define APU_HAVE_CRYPTO         0

#define APU_HAVE_OPENSSL        0

If you look at apr-util\crypto\apr_crypto_openssl.mak
you will notice it looks for needed headers in "../../openssl/inc32" and libs in "..\..\openssl\out32dll" which translates to
c:\work\openssl\inc32 and c:\work\openssl\out32dll

You mentioned compiling in openssl statically (in your reply to Jeff I believe), in windows we normally compile and use DLLs, you would have to modify apr_crypto_openssl.mak to build using the openssl static lib.

and to build it's

nmake /f makefile.win ARCH="Win32 Release" CRYPTO_LIST="openssl" buildall checkall

VC11 (2012) does not like precompiled headers in apr-iconv, you will
need to edit
c:\work\apr-iconv\build\modules.mk.win and remove;


from the file, save and then build.
I'll try with a stock check-out. If I run across any errors, I'll remove
those files and rebuild.



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