
On 6/13/14, 12:57 PM, Gregg Smith wrote:
> On 6/13/2014 9:36 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> Greg,
>> On 6/13/14, 12:24 PM, Gregg Smith wrote:
>>> Old instrucions for building in IDE really. If you want to build in the
>>> IDE just open apr-util.dsw and allow VC to convert.
>>> If you want to build at the command line;
>> Yeah, I'd like something that I can script. Right now, there's basically
>> one guy who knows how to build tcnative on win32. We're trying to change
>> that ;)
>>> On 6/13/2014 8:49 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm trying to build apr on win32 from the command-line and I'm running
>>>> into some resistance. I'm using Visual Studio 12 on Windows 8.1. I have
>>>> installed the "Windows SDK" as well to try to help, but it doesn't seem
>>>> to have improved things.
>>>> I'm following the instructions found here:
>>>> I have downloaded the ZIP files for apr, apr-util, and apr-iconv and
>>>> put
>>>> them into the requisite directories.
>>>> I've run VS's VC\bin\vcvars32.bat to get the build tools in the path,
>>>  From here cd to c:\work\apr-util then
>>> nmake /f ARCH="Win32 Release" buildall checkall
>>> See the file for all possible options.
>> Okay, that seems to get started, but I haven't told it where to find
>> OpenSSL. I'd like to make sure that the crypto routines get built, and
>> doesn't really make it clear (to me, anyway) how to specify
>> where the OpenSSL libraries, headers, etc. exist.
>> It looks like ../crypto/[cryptos] should exist and perhaps it will
>> automatically look for ../crypto/openssl/stuff. Do I have that right?
> Crypto, here's what you'll have to do;
> Edit apr-util\include\apu.hw and change the 0 to 1 for
> #define APU_HAVE_CRYPTO         0
> #define APU_HAVE_OPENSSL        0
> If you look at apr-util\crypto\apr_crypto_openssl.mak
> you will notice it looks for needed headers in "../../openssl/inc32" and
> libs in "..\..\openssl\out32dll" which translates to
> c:\work\openssl\inc32 and c:\work\openssl\out32dll
> You mentioned compiling in openssl statically (in your reply to Jeff I
> believe), in windows we normally compile and use DLLs, you would have to
> modify apr_crypto_openssl.mak to build using the openssl static lib.
> and to build it's
> nmake /f ARCH="Win32 Release" CRYPTO_LIST="openssl"
> buildall checkall

If I don't need to build libapr statically, then I don't need to do
anything special, right? My understanding is that, when building the
final tcnative artifact, I will only need to build /that/ statically, right?

Anyhow, I've been making some progress to the point where I have a
scripted up to the point of building APR. I've patched the APR sources
to some extent (e.g. enabling IPV6) and I wanted to know if I still had
to build from apr-util, or if it's possible to simply build apr (without
apr-util and apr-iconv)?

It appears that I can build apr only, but the files you mentioned
patching above to support OpenSSL are in apr-util.


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