I meant the source distribution here.

I guess I didn't realize Calcite source tree has embedded copies of some
3rd party css/js, but since those are not fetched dynamically and are part
of the source tree, I think the committed LICENCE file should include those
vs altering it at release time. As for Github, I think this is a non-issue
because I've seen lots of variations on the LICENSE file, and github seems
pretty lenient about it. I actually tried licensee (
https://github.com/licensee/licensee, used by Github itself) on the source
distribution and it has no issue identifying the license.

Also, although jekyll, is mentioned as a dependency, I don't see it
bundled, and because there's no version associated with it, the license
file is under licenses/jekyll-.

On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 9:34 AM Vladimir Sitnikov <
sitnikov.vladi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Laurent> I'm slightly confused. Are any of MIT dependencies mentioned in
> Laurent> bundled with the distribution?
> Which distribution do you mean?
> Of course, Calcite source release bundles third-party dependencies (e.g.
> site/js/*.js files).
> Vladimir

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