You're absolutely right. 1.0.2 was ready to go quite some time ago but
several bugs were found as we were releasing. We decided, as a team,
that we couldn't ship with the bugs that were found, so we elected to
fix them and delay the release. I think that was the right decision.
We should only release when we feel the software is ready, not when
some ultimately arbitrary day looms.


On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Noah Slater <> wrote:
> On 8 Feb 2011, at 16:14, Dirkjan Ochtman wrote:
>> Still, the problem I have is that it seems like there is a tendency to
>> make releases large; it seems like there's little control against devs
>> wanting to add their "one more thing". Particularly for bugfix
>> releases; from 1.0.1 it took almost 6 months for 1.0.2 to get
>> released. In between, there were a little under 100 revisions on the
>> 1.0.x branch, presumably most of those fixing bugs users could
>> actually run into. It seems valuable to me if the community could have
>> gotten some of these fixes sooner.
> I need someone else to weigh in on this, but I believe the reason was because 
> of a few critical bugs that were being worked on. And not, as you suggest, 
> because we were suffering from a Just One More Thing problem. I'd really need 
> Jan or Chris to comment though as I use them as a conduit for judging this 
> stuff.

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