> Regarding the output path issue, that is just a bug.  It will be fixed in 
>0.0.2.  If the app ran, then you have successfully seen FlexJS cross-compile 
>and run MXML and AS without Flash.  If you want, you can try the release 
>candidate of the Installer 3.1 to install a FlexJS nightly build of 0.0.2

I can wait for this. (It only bothers me that I am not quite understanding 
Paulo's comments.) As you say, I "have successfully seen FlexJS cross-compile 
and run MXML and AS without Flash" -- this is the important thing.

I had reported earlier about the following error that I got:

command line
variable 'compiler.library-path' value contains unknown token

This has gone away too, somehow.

Thanks and regards.

 From: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
To: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>; "dev@flex.apache.org" 
Cc: Greg Galbreath <greg.galbre...@procure.com> 
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [FlexJS] Close, But Still Some Problems

Regarding the output path issue, that is just a bug.  It will be fixed in 
0.0.2.  If the app ran, then you have successfully seen FlexJS cross-compile 
and run MXML and AS without Flash.  If you want, you can try the release 
candidate of the Installer 3.1 to install a FlexJS nightly build of 0.0.2

Regarding skill sets, FlexJS needs all kinds of help from all kinds of people.  
We need more documentation and examples.  We need more components.  We need 
tests and testers.  Any little contribution helps and will eventually add up.

I will do my best to work with anyone who has time and energy to contribute.  
And the list of components to be built will be biased toward those who will 
actually use them.  For example, Peter and I were discussing today what the 
next component should be that he writes.  If someone was actively trying to get 
a project up and running and said, hey, I need a ColorPicker, or I need to 
disable a button, we'd either try to teach you how to write that code or write 
that code for you.


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