I forgot, but you can also look at the FlexJS ASDocs. You can download a
copy here:


Or you can look at them on my Apache public site:


Note that the docs on my public site are out of date; I'll regen them once
we make the next release.

Peter Ent
Adobe Systems

On 6/18/14 11:33 AM, "Peter Ent" <p...@adobe.com> wrote:

>The "list" is in the SDK itself. The most frequently used package is
>org.apache.flex.html. In this package you'll find the components that are
>available such as Label, Button, and List.
>Peter Ent
>Adobe Flex
>On 6/18/14 9:41 AM, "V Chandrasekhar" <shake...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>Is there a list anywhere of controls that have already been "ported" to
>> From: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
>>To: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>; "dev@flex.apache.org"
>>Cc: Greg Galbreath <greg.galbre...@procure.com>
>>Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 5:19 PM
>>Subject: Re: [FlexJS] Close, But Still Some Problems
>>Regarding the output path issue, that is just a bug.  It will be fixed in
>>0.0.2.  If the app ran, then you have successfully seen FlexJS
>>cross-compile and run MXML and AS without Flash.  If you want, you can
>>try the release candidate of the Installer 3.1 to install a FlexJS
>>nightly build of 0.0.2
>>Regarding skill sets, FlexJS needs all kinds of help from all kinds of
>>people.  We need more documentation and examples.  We need more
>>components.  We need tests and testers.  Any little contribution helps
>>and will eventually add up.
>>I will do my best to work with anyone who has time and energy to
>>contribute.  And the list of components to be built will be biased toward
>>those who will actually use them.  For example, Peter and I were
>>discussing today what the next component should be that he writes.  If
>>someone was actively trying to get a project up and running and said,
>>hey, I need a ColorPicker, or I need to disable a button, we'd either try
>>to teach you how to write that code or write that code for you.
>>From: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>
>>Reply-To: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>
>>Date: Monday, June 16, 2014 1:46 PM
>>To: aharui <aha...@adobe.com>, "dev@flex.apache.org"
>>Cc: Greg Galbreath <greg.galbre...@procure.com>
>>Subject: Re: [FlexJS] Close, But Still Some Problems
>>Today's discussions have definitely been very helpful. Let me digest all
>>[What kind of skill set is needed to work on FlexJS? If I can have a
>>mentor working with me, I will consider working on this, once I complete
>>a course I am scheduled to take starting next week.]
>>Let me move from the sublime to the mundane.
>>I think that, with our users, we can require that they will have Flash.
>>And we don't have an IE requirement.
>>In https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-34258,  Paulo Esgaio says:
>>Encoutered the follwing problems (all solved):
>>2. It trys to create a folder in the same path as output swf files with
>>the same name as the swf filename.
>>Removing the swf file and creating the folder manually solves it.
>>I am running into the above problem. Let me describe in Paulo's terms. I
>>deleted testing.swf and manually created a bin\js-release and a
>>bin\js-debug in C:\APACHE\htdocs\testing\. (In other words,
>>C:\APACHE\htdocs\testing\ contained a bin which contained a js-release
>>and a js-debug.) When I ran the FalconJX tool, nothing got created in the
>>folders I manually created. JS files were created under
>>C:\APACHE\htdocs\testing\bin-release\testing.swf\bin\js-debug. I wonder
>>what part of Paulo's instructions above that I am not doing right.
>>The index file did run correctly.
>> From: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
>>To: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>; "dev@flex.apache.org"
>>Cc: Greg Galbreath <greg.galbre...@procure.com>
>>Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 3:24 PM
>>Subject: Re: [FlexJS] Close, But Still Some Problems
>>If you can control the decision of whether your users will have Flash, I
>>expect Flash to be available for several more years.
>>FlexJS is intended to be insurance, but keep in mind that Apache is
>>essentially staffed by volunteers.  Without more folks working on it, the
>>rate at which FlexJS will grow to be able to handle more and more of the
>>Flex SDK's capabilities will be slower, so the cost of that insurance
>>should really be paid for by its potential users, either by collecting
>>money to pay contractors to work on it, or by allowing folks like you to
>>contribute to it.  Adobe will probably pay Peter and I to work on it for
>>a couple more years, but I don't think we can re-code a significant
>>portion of the Flex SDK by ourselves.  So getting folks involved is the
>>best way to ensure that FlexJS will be there when you need it.  It
>>doesn't have to be a huge commitment, even an hour or two a week from
>>enough folks will add up to something.
>>Regarding AMF, it is possible to create an AMF implementation in JS on
>>newer browsers.  IE8 for sure won't have easy support for AMF.  So, if
>>you don't have an IE8 requirement, you are a candidate for AMF, but
>>consider this:  even if we "can" get AMF to work in JS, the JS
>>implementation may not be faster than JSON.  So, depending on what
>>advantages you were getting from AMF, you might still want to take a look
>>creating JSON equivalents for your services.
>>From: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>
>>Reply-To: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>
>>Date: Monday, June 16, 2014 12:04 PM
>>To: aharui <aha...@adobe.com>, "dev@flex.apache.org"
>>Cc: Greg Galbreath <greg.galbre...@procure.com>
>>Subject: Re: [FlexJS] Close, But Still Some Problems
>>Thanks a lot for all your help. I have made a lot of progress in a
>>We are not in a hurry to migrate immediately to FlexJS at all. FlexJS is
>>an insurance for us, in case Flash goes away (which I hope won't happen
>>in the next several years). We want to tell our potential customers what
>>kind of Flex future-proofing is available to set their minds at ease.
>>I have some time at the moment to see how big an effort it is for us to
>>convert to flexjs. I am sure that day to day work will start pressing
>>soon. I will come back to flexjs in two or three months again to get a
>>better estimate of our porting effect -- in other words, I see it as an
>>iterative process. And I can thank folks enough for the help I am
>>By the way, I was trying to listen to the YouTube video Alex's talk at
>>Flex 360. Given my hearing especially, the sound quality was hard for me
>>to understand. One of my colleagues was asking about AMF in particular.
>>Perhaps the link below talks about it. If not, I am wondering you could
>>let me know about the plans for it in FlexJS. AMF is a key part of our
>>apps -- one user updates the database on the server and the server pushes
>>out the changes to all the users including the one who made the update;
>>AMF is involved in this process.
>> From: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
>>To: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>; "dev@flex.apache.org"
>>Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 2:12 PM
>>Subject: Re: [FlexJS] Close, But Still Some Problems
>>FlexJS in an 'alpha' level technology.  That's why its version number is
>>something like 0.0.1 or 0.0.2.  As such, it won't have every feature of
>>the current FlexSDK, and may never have every feature as some features
>>will be nearly impossible to make work efficiently in JavaScript,
>>especially in IE8.
>>It might be worth your while to read up on some of the other wiki
>>articles on FlexJS.  Start here:
>>Basically FlexJS is not a magic bullet that will take an existing Flex
>>app and make it run without Flash.  It is not intending to emulate Flash
>>in the browser.  Instead, it  is a new framework designed to run well in
>>JS.  It should have most, but not all, of the major concepts from Flex
>>(states, binding, mxml).  But you will have to do some work to get an
>>existing app to run.
>>So, create a test project without DCD support to try to get
>>DataBindingTest to run.  And yes, you will need to use the new UI widgets
>>for now.
>>From: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>
>>Reply-To: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>
>>Date: Monday, June 16, 2014 10:55 AM
>>To: aharui <aha...@adobe.com>, "dev@flex.apache.org"
>>Subject: Re: [FlexJS] Close, But Still Some Problems
>>My java version is 1.7.0_55.
>>I changed mxmlc.bat to specify c:\PROGRA~2\java\jre7\bin\java.exe as the
>>fully qualified name of java.exe. I get the following error when I run
>>the FalconJX tool:
>>command line
>>configuration variable 'compiler.library-path' value contains unknown
>>Onto another topic, I am trying an existing app to run with FlexJS. I get
>>"s:ButtonBar is not defined error". Is this a case of ButtonBar having to
>>be replaced with another control?
>>Thanks for helping me make progress on this effort of using FlexJS.
>> From: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
>>To: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>; "dev@flex.apache.org"
>>Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 1:07 PM
>>Subject: Re: [FlexJS] Close, But Still Some Problems
>>Run java ­version from the console to make sure you have a recent enough
>>Java 7.
>>Also see the comments in the bug FLEX-34258.  To run the launch config,
>>you may need to specify the path to java7.
>>From: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>
>>Reply-To: V Chandrasekhar <shake...@yahoo.com>
>>Date: Monday, June 16, 2014 9:56 AM
>>To: aharui <aha...@adobe.com>, "dev@flex.apache.org"
>>Subject: Re: [FlexJS] Close, But Still Some Problems
>>> Almost there! 
>>Agree. Thanks for your help. I am excited about "future-proofing" our
>>> As I suggested in one of my responses, if you have
>>problems, please see:
>>I have been working with the above.
>>DataBindingTest is a Web application. I copied the mxmlc.bat from
>>FLEX-34258. I do have Java Version 7.
>>I am getting the following error which is different from what Andrew
>>Flach reported:
>>org/apache/flex/compiler/clients/MXMLJSC : Unsupported major.minor
>>version 51.0
>>at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
>>at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(Unknown Source)
>>at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
>>at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
>>at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
>>at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source)
>>at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
>>at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
>>at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
>>at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
>>at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
>>at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
>>Could not find the main class: org.apache.flex.compiler.clients.MXMLJSC.
>>Program will exit.
>>Exception in thread "main"
>> From: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
>>To: "dev@flex.apache.org" <dev@flex.apache.org>; V Chandrasekhar
>>Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 12:22 PM
>>Subject: Re: [FlexJS] Problems Importing Configurations
>>Almost there!  As I suggested in one of my responses, if you have
>>problems, please see:
>>On 6/16/14 8:42 AM, "V Chandrasekhar" <shake...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>>I don't know how to add this to my existing thread, when I email instead
>>>of using Nabble.
>>>I am trying to follow the instructions in
>>>lash+Builder, specifically
>>>Once you have your app working as a SWF, try the FalconJX tool in the
>>>Is this the FalconJX Debug and Release Build tool?
>>>I get the following error when I run this tool:
>>>using FlashBuilder Project Files
>>>FlashBuilder settings:
>>>    -locale
>>>    en_US
>>>    -source-path+=C:\Users\shaker.chandrasekhar\Adobe Flash Builder
>>>    -compiler.accessible=true
>>>    -output=C:\Users\shaker.chandrasekhar\Adobe Flash Builder
>>>    -library-path+=C:\Users\shaker.chandrasekhar\Adobe Flash Builder
>>>    -js-output-type=FLEXJS
>>>    -sdk-js-lib=c:\FlexJS\js\bin\..\..\frameworks\js\FlexJS\src
>>>    -fb
>>>    C:\Users\shaker.chandrasekhar\Adobe Flash Builder
>>>command line
>>>Error: unknown configuration variable 'js-output-type'.

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