Hi all,

As mentioned during last Friday's meeting, I believe that we should move
any forward upstream development to Quarkus 3 and Jakarta namespace. That's
because the effort of developing against both Quarkus 2.x and 3.x will be
hardly bearable and the current setup that automatically migrates our
upstream branches (based on Quarkus2/JavaEE) to Quarkus 3 through
openrewrite is demonstrating all its limitations. Openrewrite is an amazing
tool, but it is mostly intended for one-shoot migration so in my opinion
our usage pattern is a sort of abuse, and even worse it doesn't allow us to
work effectively on proper Quarkus 3 integration.

Related to this we should also discuss which extensions we want to make
available with Quarkus 3. Last week I implemented and merged a commit
moving the last rules related feature that was still available only through
Kogito (the automatic rest endpoints generation from rule units queries)
back into Drools. At this point I think that having a Kogito extension for
rules that simply replicates what will be available with the Drools one
will be unnecessary and only a source of confusion.

To recap my proposal is the following:

1. From the main branches create branches 1.x for Kogito and 8.x for
Drools. We will consider these branches in pure maintenance mode and
backport there only (critical) fixes.
2. Apply the openrewrite script one last time to definitively migrate our
main branches to Quarkus3/Jakarta and eventually fix manually any
outstanding incompatibility.
3. Remove the Kogito rule extension, check if all the remaining extensions
still make sense (we should avoid features duplication and overlapping in
different extensions).
4. Implement and publish asap the Quarkus 3 extensions.

As a final note on version numbers, I guess that we don't have many
alternatives other than tagging the releases made from these new main
branches by continuing with 2.45.0 for Kogito and 9.45.0 for Drools. This
could be a bit unusual and confusing for users migrating to these newer
versions, but the only other possibility that I see would be to jump to
3.0.0 and 10.0.0 which will be probably even worse.

Any feedback is welcome.


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