> To me, it feels messy that we have a 8.45.0 release, followed by a 9.45
> release in our first Apache release, and immediately after put 8.x (1.x for
> Kogito) in maintenance.
> I think we could step back and re-evaluate our strategy.
> Why not reset and focus only on Jakarta10 (and Quarkus/SpringBoot. 3.x) and
> cut it as 9.0? (yes, I’m aware that we had in recent past a 9.44.Alpha).

Hi Alex,

What you suggested makes sense and as I wrote I'm equally afraid that users may 
be confused around our versions numbering. Unfortunately I'm also afraid that 
you missed that we already put out a 9.44.0.Final version ( 
https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/org.drools/drools-engine ) that is the 
result of that automatic migration of version 8.44 to Quarkus 3 and Jakarta 
using that Openrewrite script. That's the reason why I think that there aren't 
many alternatives other than continuing from there. Can you think to any better 


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