On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 11:12 PM, Reynold Xin <r...@apache.org> wrote:

> First, really thank you for leading the discussion.
> I am concerned that it'd hurt Spark more than it helps. As many others
> have pointed out, this unnecessarily creates a new tier of connectors or
> 3rd party libraries appearing to be endorsed by the Spark PMC or the ASF.
> We can alleviate this concern by not having "Spark" in the name, and the
> project proposal and documentation should label clearly that this is not
> affiliated with Spark.

I really thought we could use the Spark name (e.g. similar to
spark-packages) as this project is really aligned and dedicated to curating
extensions to Apache Spark and that's why we were inviting Spark PMC
members to join the new project PMC so that Apache Spark has the necessary
oversight and influence on the project direction. I understand folks have
concerns with the name, and thus we will start looking into name
alternatives unless there is any way I could address the community concerns
around this.

> Also Luciano - assuming you are interested in creating a project like this
> and find a home for the connectors that were removed, I find it surprising
> that few of the initially proposed PMC members have actually contributed
> much to the connectors, and people that have contributed a lot were left
> out. I am sure that is just an oversight.
Reynold, thanks for your concern, we are not leaving anyone out, we took
the following criteria to identify initial PMC/Committers list as described
on the first e-mail on this thread:

   - Spark Committers and Apache Members can request to participate as PMC
   - All active spark committers (committed on the last one year) will have
write access to the project (committer access)
   - Other committers can request to become committers.
   - Non committers would be added based on meritocracy after the start of
the project.

Based on this criteria, all people that have expressed interest in joining
the project PMC has been added to it, but I don't feel comfortable adding
names to it at my will. And I have updated the list of committers and
currently we have the following on the draft proposal:

Initial PMC


   Luciano Resende (lresende AT apache DOT org) (Apache Member)

   Chris Mattmann (mattmann  AT apache DOT org) (Apache Member, Apache
   board member)

   Steve Loughran (stevel AT apache DOT org) (Apache Member)

   Jean-Baptiste Onofré (jbonofre  AT apache DOT org) (Apache Member)

   Marcelo Masiero Vanzin (vanzin AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark

   Sean R. Owen (srowen AT apache DOT org) (Apache Member and Spark PMC)

   Mridul Muralidharan (mridulm80 AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark PMC)

Initial Committers (write access to active Spark committers that have
committed in the last one year)


   Andy Konwinski (andrew AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Andrew Or (andrewor14 AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Ankur Dave (ankurdave AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Davies Liu (davies AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   DB Tsai (dbtsai AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Haoyuan Li (haoyuan AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Ram Sriharsha (harsha AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Herman van Hövell (hvanhovell AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Imran Rashid (irashid AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Joseph Kurata Bradley (jkbradley AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Josh Rosen (joshrosen AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Kay Ousterhout (kayousterhout AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Cheng Lian (lian AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Mark Hamstra (markhamstra AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Michael Armbrust (marmbrus AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Matei Alexandru Zaharia (matei AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Xiangrui Meng (meng AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Prashant Sharma (prashant AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Patrick Wendell (pwendell AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Reynold Xin (rxin AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Sanford Ryza (sandy AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Kousuke Saruta (sarutak AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Shivaram Venkataraman (shivaram AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Tathagata Das (tdas AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Thomas Graves  (tgraves AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Wenchen Fan (wenchen AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

   Yin Huai (yhuai AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)
   - Shixiong Zhu (zsxwing AT apache DOT org) (Apache Spark)

BTW, It would be really good to have you on the PMC as well, and any others
that volunteer based on the criteria above. May I add you as PMC to the new
project proposal ?

Luciano Resende

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