On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 08:14:00 -0700, Michael McGrady wrote:
> Heck, Jim, I am appreciative of all your efforts.  I figure you owe
> no one nothing.  I would be glad to help, but, as Vic seems to
> intimate, the entry into helping is not clear to those on the
> outside unless you want to make a life of it for a bit.  I cannot
> do that.  I am not some kid looking for approval, but I could be an
> old fart that would be of assistance, if there were a way for this
> list to accommodate those who are interested and responsible but
> not members of a cult.  ////8-)

We do follow the cult of CVS, and that's won't change (except to become the cult of 

The biggest stumbling block for people seems to be that they don't know how to use CVS 
or post a patch. People who can use CVS, and post a few worthwhile patches, tend to be 
invited in rather quickly. The way for someone to show that they are interested and 
responsible is to post patches that can be applied with little or no change. (The old 
saw being is that we invite someone to be a Committer when we get tired of applying 
their patches.)

Besides what's been posted before,




there is also a relatively new help page for developers at the Apache level.


I've also found the SourceForge CVS documentation helpful:

  http://sourceforge.net/docman/?group_id=1 (section F)

The bottom line is that if someone can't use CVS, then they can't be of any help to 
us, since CVS is the backbone technology.


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