On Tue, 24 Aug 2004, Ted Husted wrote:

On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 10:03:34 -0400, James Mitchell wrote:
 Have you not read Ted's posts about volunteering?  It's all I can
 do to keep up with this (and a few others) list and still have a
 life.  Very few of us can actually cut a release anyway, so it is
 up to those few who can (AND have the time) to do it.

To be precise, I think that should read "Very few of actually want to cut a release". The process is well documented on our Roadmap and elsewhere. It doesn't require any more karma than all of us should already have.

Actually, under the Apache license, anyone in the known universe can cut a release of an Apache project. (They just couldn't tag the CVS.) Once it is rolled, the PMC can brand it "Apache" with a majority vote, and enter into the distribution system. If the PMC couldn't do it, I imagine someone on infrastructure@ would. As Craig mentioned, someone could even post a vote that we designate any given nightly build a release.

Just to be clear, I would be -1 on accepting a "release" distribution from outside of the Struts committership, since I would not feel that I could vouch for its integrity. Who would be willing to digitally sign such a release? Not me.

However, as you know, building the distribution is not where the work lies. It's all the stuff around the distribution itself. That's harder for other folks to get involved with - but not impossible. Patches to update the site, etc., would be happily accepted, I'm sure.

The truth is that it's not about time. It's about itches. If someone has an itch to scratch, they make the time and jump the hurdles. People have just run out of Struts itches worth scratching.

In my case, it *is* about time. I've been trying to push Validator 1.1.3 out, which we need for Struts 1.2.2, but I only have short fragments of time available at the moment, so even that is taking longer than it should.

For me, time is constrained by what I get paid to do, and right now, what I get paid to do comprises effectively 2.25 architect positions, which doesn't leave much time for anything else at all.

Martin Cooper


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