Committership is a majority vote, so a -1 isn't a veto.

I've been asking the people you mentioned, Vic. They've been saying no.


On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 14:21:17 -0500, Vic wrote:
> In 2001 I worked with others on validator and asked for the patches
> to put in, and that was not applied. (my clients now use my mods to
> to multi row vlidation, but that is not in Struts)
> I then developed a basicPortal and tried to make it apache. (and it
> got used to some very large deployments, moving Struts forward) And
> then I got a private email saying words to the effect: "the only
> reason you are not a Struts comitter is becuase I gurantee you a -1
> becuase you stated EJB's should never be used". I would be happy to
> privately forward you that e-mail, but you know who that is from.
> Also, I am sure you know what happed earlier this year on the
> Struts list.
> I think no one doubts what I can do on open source and what I have
> done for Open Source.
> I have also done more Struts
> training then all others combined! It's a question of "cult" and
> some black balls, no? Look at the people that left, like
> Winterfeld, etc.
> You should make all the people that published a book, comitters for
> one. Vote them down public, there's 18 of them, and they all know
> Struts and CVS. And I have given this list a list of canidates that
> are qualified and willing to fix this. My only choice is to be
> outside pissing in - sort of speak, anything creative I have to do
> outside of here.
> I know how to build applications well, so my area would be sample
> apps. My knowledge of servlet internals is ... average. .V
> Martin Cooper wrote:
>> Where are *your* patches, Vic? When was the last time *you*
>> contributed to the release? As far as I can see, all you do is
>> sit on the sidelines and gripe about nothing happening.
>> As for "months of no CVS", that's rubbish. There have been at
>> least 36 commits in the last month.
>> --
>> Martin Cooper
>> On Tue, 24 Aug 2004, Vic wrote:
>>> This project looks parked. Only one active comitter begging
>>> people for help to relase at least.
>>> The "high standard" to become a comitter should address
>>> something about active comitter. Months of no CVS?
>>> It might be to late to find (the "low standard" )others that
>>> would want in, now.
>>> .V
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