Ted Husted wrote:

On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 12:34:50 -0700 (PDT), David Graham wrote:

I'm in a similar situation as Martin faced with more paid work than
one person has time for and still meaningfully contribute to
Struts. Personally, Struts does everything I need it to do so I've
been volunteering on validator and dbutils. While I don't post
much to dev@ discussions I do monitor the list every day.

Which I think sums it up. At this point, I think a few of us who have been around the longest have been committing out of a sense of obligation. But it's obvious that none of us *need* to cut a release. Otherwise, one would be cut already. All the grunt work is done. Someone just has to setup the mirror page and roll it. But we all have bigger itches to scratch, so that's were the time goes.

My only Struts itch right now is finding some likely successors, since I do plan to go Emeritus soon. I haven't rolled the release myself because it's time to pass the baton. But, so far my efforts to find successors have failed. Like us, everyone I ask seems to have other itches they want to scratch right now.

Eventually, I think the Apache BeeHive gang will find something they need, or maybe Apache MyFaces will just leave Struts in the dust. But, that's the Apache Way too. We let Darwin decide.


As it should be. I personlly think that struts or its progeny will be around long after faces has dwindled to a trickle. Faces is too heavy and suffers from the same bloat that EJBs have.. Struts is just perfect, so long as it does not get overloaded with brilliant ideas and laden with cleverness instead of performance. I worry about some additions I see coming on the scene, frankly. Sometimes things are left best alone and need just to be honed. That is one person's opinion at any rate.


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