Tom Drake wrote:

It appears that what we have are different strategies for determining the
method name.

Yes! *_/The existing classes use DIFFERENT DATA AND DIFFERENT LOGIC to get the method name/_*. The ONLY thing SimpleDispatchAction and the present classes have in common is that they do get the method name and that they use reflection once they have the method name. The present classes use a combination of a request parameter value from a name/value pair with the value of an ActionMapping parameter property to determine the method. SimpleDispatchAction uses neither of these sources and so, requires no special coding in struts-config.xml and frees up the related values for the name/value pairs in <a href=>, <input type='submit'>, <input type='image> and <input type='file> for whatever clever machinations we coders can create.

The SimpleDispatchAction, if it were not for legacy uses, can completely replace the three existing dispatch classes.

Enough from me.  I am too noisy.  Right?

Michael McGrady

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