Martin Cooper wrote:

On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 21:19:03 -0700, Michael McGrady

Martin Cooper wrote:

IMHO, dispatch actions, whatever flavour, are a bad idea in the first
place. They are essentially second-level controllers.

The problem that dispatch actions are primarily related to, Martin, is
determining which submit or image type was pressed when a form is

This is condescending. I know what dispatch actions are for, and have
done since before you knew they even existed.

Well, when you call them "essentially second-level controllers, Martin, I assumed you did not see they were essentially methods to get around the problem of not knowing which image with <input type='image'>. I don't know how to talk to you if you want to say they are one thing and get testy if I point out they are another thing.

I am not sure what exposed methods you are talking about. This is not
required at all. Thanks for you contribution to this. I am glad you
weighed in. It is impossible to tell what silent people think.

If you don't know "what exposed methods" I'm talking about, how could
you possibly know that "This is not required at all"? You know very
well what methods I'm talking about, and nowhere did I suggest that
that they were required, only that they are extremely undesirable.

Isn't the logic the other way around? I.e., if I DID know what "exposed methods" you were talking about then I could not know that "This is not required at all"? The truth is that I don't know what "exposed methods" you are talking about and so far as I can see such exposure is not required at all. Why this makes you so upset is a mystery to me.

I am merely trying to state what I think here. I have no emotional commitment to this situation. I am not going to watch every word I say because you might read them to have hidden meanings or unkind intents I don't have, Martin. I hope you see that my statements were without any untoward view toward you or your abilities or anything else than the code. I think people have clearly misunderstood this class in many respects and they can expect me to say so. If I am wrong, then they can tell me. But I am interested in principles here, not personalities.


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