I admit to a huge amount of ignorance about JSF.  I have partly been
stymied by an inability to decide on a text to read.  I have always
liked Hans work, and may go that direction.  I cannot know, of course,
how that ignorance impacts my part in this discussion.  I do think
that in any event it is wise for shale to accommodate but not be tied
to a particular implementation, if there is no penalty for that, and I
cannot see one.  I have always found that allowing options in the long


On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 14:06:32 -0500, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >The focus of the visual component base solution
> >would be to create a XML definition, backed
> >beans, and an abstract factory/ cache to manage
> >the resources.  Create a view controller or
> >action class that knows how to use the metadata
> >to manage corresponding model classes.  And view
> >helpers that would encapsulate the call back to
> >the models when generating a presentation.
> >It's not as sexy as faces?  Thanks for listeningâ
> What you describe still sounds like it's
> essentially rewriting Faces-type functionality.
> I think I'm warming up to Craig's point.  The
> only reason we shouldn't use JSF is if we don't
> like the processing model it provides.  If we
> like the processing model it provides, we
> shouldn't go to the trouble to rewrite it.  Folks
> who want to do that can work on the MyFaces
> implementation instead.
> My JSF experience is still limited to reading
> about it.  I find it pretty interesting.  I've
> read some commentary that pegs it as overkill,
> but haven't reached that conclusion myself.  I'd
> be better off talking about it if I'd used it
> more.
> The point being that JSF stakes out a lot of
> territory for the view-side of the equation.
> Craig's deep familiarity with it makes it a
> natural way for him to envision the
> view-controller side of Shale.  If people think
> it's not a good solution to the view-controller
> side, then they should articulate why -- and even
> if the why is just "i'd rather not buy into JSF
> yet," then they should come up with an alternate
> description of the view controller's
> responsibilities.  Then people can make a choice
> based on how it works rather than what its called.
> Joe
> --
> Joe Germuska
> http://blog.germuska.com
> "In fact, when I die, if I don't hear 'A Love
> Supreme,' I'll turn back; I'll know I'm in the
> wrong place."
>     - Carlos Santana

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