On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In addition, I wanted to try this using the JSF RI too, because (in
> everything should still work.  So I tried
>     mvn clean install -Pjsfri
> It looks like Maven is trying to download the RI stuff from ibiblio,
> isn't correct ... the necessary files are on the java.net repository (
> https://maven-repository.dev.java.net/nonav/repository/)
> How does one go about telling Maven to get the "javax.faces" artifacts
> here instead?

Put this in the shale parent pom, then adjust the version numbers on
the RI dependencies.

            <name>java.net Maven 1 Repository</name>

Thanks ... I've gotta get my feet wet with this stuff sometime, so now seems
like a good opportunity :-).

Although, it might ultimately make sense to do this in the Struts parent POM
since SAF2 is using JSF as well.  Did we set up profiles the same way
there?  (I'm gonna go ahead and do the Shale parent now, and worry about
that later.)



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