On 6/1/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6/1/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Are you able to run the tiger tests?
> No.  I got to the part in build.xml where it says "Set up 'web
> application' for unit tests" and decided that maven.test.skip=true
> would do for now. :)
> Craig, can you explain the testing strategy for shale-tiger?

It's supposed to be similar to core-lbrary, in that the src/test directory
will contain a bunch of JUnit tests.  Since the module requires 1.5, the
tests will as well, but other than that it should not be anything special.

OK, that's only half the story ... and the same thing will apply to
"use-cases" (and potentially all of the other webapps when we get there).
There are potentially two sets of tests.

* "src/test" in the original repository contains JUnit unit tests
 that run standalone on the classes in the webapp's src/java

* "src/systest" in the original repository contains JUnit tests,
 but they (a) presume that the webapp has been deployed,
 and (b) use HtmlUnit to exercise the actual application and
 examine the returned HTML pages for correct output.  I think
 of these as system integration tests rather than unit tests,
 but vastly prefer HtmlUnit based tests like this to something
 built with Cactus.  Much simpler.

We don't necessarily have to solve the systest issues tonight, but that'll
probably bear some thought since the same principle would apply to any
webapp in the repository (and, ideally, any user-defined webapp created via
the archetype mechanisms).



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