Hi Jongyoul,

Thanks for bring this up. I don't understand how different repo will help
here, but I thought about moving interpreters out of zeppelin for a long
time, but don't have bandwidth for it. The release cycle of zeppelin core
component (zeppelin-zengine, zeppelin-server) should not block the release
of interpreter component (unless they depends on some features of
zeppelin-zengine, zeppelin-server).

Jongyoul Lee <jongy...@gmail.com> 于2018年12月12日周三 上午10:38写道:

> Hi, dev and committers,
> Currently, I'm seeing the repositories of another apache projects. They
> have some several repositories with different purposes. I'd like to suggest
> you that we divide repositories between zeppelin-server and others.
> This will help you develop zeppelin-server without interfering from other
> components and its dependencies. Even, in the case of interpreters, It will
> provide more independent environments for developing interpreters
> themselves. Currently, we had a lot of dependencies and various versions
> for each interpreter.
> Regards,
> JL
> --
> 이종열, Jongyoul Lee, 李宗烈
> http://madeng.net

Best Regards

Jeff Zhang

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