On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 8:18 AM, Máirín Duffy <du...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> - Is running a lightweight local VM for web development a usecase we want to 
> support? Is it dare I ask important?

In ancient times I just ran a local httpd instance. VM seems heavy
weight for this, but yes it should totally work, albeit using more
memory. I'm guessing 500MiB?

In the last couple months I started running into weird Android battery
life problems, and discovered Battery Historian. And quickly
discovered the github project offers a Docker container. I'm a Docker
lightweight. But I ran the recipe for installing and running it, which
I vaguely recall amounted to one or two lines, pointed my browser to
the IP + port for the container, and it worked. It takes a few seconds
to "boot" and uses maybe 5MiB memory, and perhaps upwards of 80MiB
while it's processing an Android bug report - then spits out pretty
graphs. I've run it locally and on a remove NUC, same command, just
change the IP address I point my web browser to.

I know, containers! Shiny new thing! But it really was easier to deal
with for this use case than setting up a VM.

Chris Murphy
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