On Mon, 2019-01-28 at 22:24 +0100, Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
> On Monday, 28 January 2019 at 03:57, Neal Gompa wrote:
> [...]
> > My understanding is that generally script breakage is considered a bug
> > and would have priority for fixing in bash anyway, so I *really* don't
> > think there's any harm in doing this. GCC is an order of magnitude
> > worse than bash, and we do fine with that *every year*. Something that
> > straight up says it's not intending to break scripts that just happens
> > to say it's a 5.0 release should not be as much of a cause for
> > concern.
> We do (upgrade GCC), but it's always a System Wide Change, and that
> is the only issue with this proposal (which was submitted as a
> Self-contained Change).

It's not the "only" issue, because it was submitted over two weeks
*after* the deadline for system-wide changes.

I am somewhat concerned about dropping in a major new bash version
quite late in the cycle and just before the mass rebuild, particularly
when there are bits like this in the announcement:

"There are a number of changes to the
expansion of $@ and $* in various contexts where word splitting is not
performed to conform to a Posix standard interpretation, and additional
changes to resolve corner cases for Posix conformance." (are you *sure*
all our corner cases are expecting Posix-conformant behaviour? I'm not)

"The `globasciiranges' shell option
is now enabled by default; it can be set to off by default at
configuration time." (OK, so we can turn it off again if necessary, but
still, could be interesting)

"There are a few incompatible changes between bash-4.4 and bash-5.0"
(sure, these are in 'rarely used' things, but we have an awful *lot* of
shell scripts in us. We're a Linux distribution, it comes with the
territory. I'm pretty sure we use those 'rarely used' thing at least

that *plus* the required readline version bump *plus* the suggestion
that some significant bugs were already discovered in the .0 release
makes me a little hesitant about this. I'm not saying "no!", but...it
certainly strikes me as a potentially disruptive change that needs some
kind of justification to go in late beyond "NEW SHINY".
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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