
On 09/12/2020 13:28, Peter Robinson wrote:
On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 11:12 AM Christoph Karl <pampelm...@gmx.at> wrote:

On 09.12.20 04:26, Sergio Belkin wrote:
How does this (https://blog.centos.org/2020/12/future-is-centos-stream/)
affect Fedora?
I think Fedora now needs some kind of LTS.
Why? What would it provide that CentOS Stream doesn't?

It would provide with what is lost with CentOS Linux.
Let's entertain an example:
I would like to setup a home server with some locally hosted services, but I wouldn't like to update it to new system with new software every year just to get security updates. That is for me use case that would benefit from LTS. I would've used CentOS Linux but that won't be enough because CentOS 8 is EOL roughly next year. I could use Fedora server but that has too quick a release cycle and I don't have the time to check that everything is running right so often. Instead I would like LTS system that I comfortable with, which is from the RHEL ecosystem. But I don't see sense in running paid RHEL instance that would be only serve as my hobby project server. So with those out of the picture I would probably have to settle for something like Ubuntu LTS.
However that is not the solution I'd like to see.

If I understood the announcement, it would be a kind of CentOS streams is rolling release or a release with short release interval. That does not make my job much easier as someone who just sets up services and leaves it running. While I personally think that Fedora should uphold mainly its philosophy of being the "pioneer" of new releases, I feel that then I would miss a production ready, free and long term supported system from the ecosystem of RHEL/Fedora. But apparently some already took on this task [0].


[0] https://github.com/hpcng/rocky

At least I was planning to support CentOS via EPEL as
a kind of "Fedora LTS".

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