On 4/21/23 18:07, Chris Adams wrote:
Once upon a time, Matthew Miller<mat...@fedoraproject.org>  said:
* also, to fix typos :)
So, I will say this is kind of a peeve of mine about server-based
discussion systems (whether web or client like Slack/Discord): allowing
people to edit messages, especially after people have replied to them,
is a bad idea.  Person 1 says "we should do XYZ", somebody replies "no
XYZ is bad", and person 1 can go change their original message to say
something completely different.
Hmm, interesting, seems like the platform is able to do a message based diff,

so if you edit your message, history is actually visible!

See for example this message from some of Matt's links I got open
There is a pencil with a number, click that, you can see a diff.

So I don't think that I have to be that concerned that someone will want to radically change their messages.

It kind of goes back to who "owns" (and I don't mean in the legal sense)
the content.  When the content is held on a server, the server owner has
an editorial control that can be problematic.

Fixing typos sounds nice, but... just don't make typos, or proofread. :)
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