On 11/3/22 12:11 PM, Jon Evans wrote:
KiCad 6.x should still be able to open these files even if they used old symbols and 
footprints.  I'm not sure they would need "porting" other than saving in the 
updated format.  New schematics can be made with new symbols/footprints as desired.

True, but if you have to modify an old design, when you go to assign footprints 
to substituted parts, you won't have access to the footprints you had 
previously used.  In at least one case I ran into, the new footprint was 
larger, even though the part would have fit just fine with the older footprint. 
 I had to grab a copy of the old footprint from an archive to avoid laying out 
that area of the board again.

I'm not saying it is impossible, but it can add extra work.  I guess it really 
depends on what folks need to do with their old designs.

I keep VMs of older copies of Fedora so I can run older versions of KiCad (and 
even Eagle on very rare occasions) if needed.  Fortunately, it doesn't happen 
often in my case.


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