kh6ty wrote:
> Dave,
> Do not try to type at the same time you are linked with another station, 
> because flarq is going to be sending keystrokes to VBdigi, often at the same 
> time as you try to type. As you point out, NBEMS is a messaging system, not 
> a chat system. It is also primarily for 2m emergency messaging, or NVIS on 
> HF, where there is little QSB to contend with.
> The best way to play with it is to first establish contact without using 
> Flarq. Then one of you presses the beacon button and takes it from there, 
> only sending a stored email, stored text message, or picture and don't type 
> until the progress bar on Flarq has progressed from white to green to full 
> green and then white again.
> 73, Skip
I did unkey the beacon button, but I guess that putting the other 
persons callsign in the 'Callsign' box enables FLARQ?

QSB is a major problem, of course, with the bands the way they are.  And 
I'm guessing that the fading you get on bands like 23cm are going to 
make it difficult to use those bands as well?

I guess there might be some interest for JOTA.  Other than the age old 
'Radio verses non-Radio' communications I'm thinking this may not get a 
great following in the UK/Europe.  But, I could be wrong.

I'll certainly do some more reading before touching the TX button again!

Dave (G0DJA)

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