On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 09:22:46PM -0700, Shal Farley via dmarc-discuss wro> 
> By itself though the identification is not enough - it doesn't tell the 
> receiver that the claim is false; the receiver must independently assess the 
> trustworthiness of each ARC intermediary, by way of a reputation system or 
> otherwise. The hope is that having a strong and automated way to identify the 
> intermediaries will make creation and maintenance of the reputation system 
> simpler, and increase its accuracy.

Nothin' for nothin', but this seems like an awful lot of mechanism for
a pretty low-value piece of data, and if I'm reading you right the
people who have to implement this (at least mailing list operators)
need to do this so that someone _else's_ use of DMARC works, right?
It seems that the wrong party needs to do some work in this model.


Andrew Sullivan
dmarc-discuss mailing list

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