On 2022-06-24 11:26 am, johnea wrote:

I've run across a number of other references since that timeframe that
indicate that dropbear can run on no-MMU platforms using uClibc.

Searching hasn't really led to a conclusive answer. So, could you
please confirm:

Can dropbear run as a listening service on Cortex-M3 with no-MMU?

Previously I would say no - usually it would need to run from inetd that executes a separate dropbear server process for each connection. That is required because on a MMUless system the normal fork() doesn't create separate memory spaces for each program, so they interfere with each other.

But! In Dropbear 2022.82 it was changed to re-execute itself [1], so it is possible that it would work OK on a MMUless system. You could see if that works - there might be other assumptions that I have missed. Make sure you try a few concurrent connections.


- Dropbear now re-executes itself rather than just forking for each connection
  (only on Linux). This allows ASLR to randomise address space for each
connection as a security mitigation. It should not have any visible impact
  - if there are any performance impacts in the wild please report it.

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