Jacqueline McNally wrote:
"I still have lots of long threads in my mail box from volunteers returning from DLS, saying that they didn't have "this" and didn't have "that" - none of which they prepared to take with them prior to the event."

That statement really irritates me. I and several other people tried very hard to find out before the DLS what might be provided by or available from the official OOo marketing project for the booth, or whether any money was available to cover the cost of some of the needed items -- and getting no response whatsoever from anyone at OOo, not even to say "you'll have to do it yourself". By the time I had figured out (from the total lack of response) that absolutely nothing was going to be available unless we provided it ourselves, it was too late for me or anyone to organise several things (like a banner) that we could have done had we known that it was up to us (the volunteers attending the event) to provide everything.

Now that I know this, the next time I volunteer to coordinate or work at a booth, I'll see that we have everything we need. And I (and others) will find ways to fund the things we need for the booth. I could have done this for DLS this year, had I known it was necessary for me to do so.

Jacqueline also said,
"I don't think simply turning up is effective. When an organisation takes a booth at a conference, it is not that one event that is marketing. There is the lead up press releases and direct marketing to their clients to invite them to the booth."

I agree, and I'm sure many others besides me are quite capable of doing these things. I've received the distinct impression, however, that the official Marketing team does not look kindly on ad-hoc PR and direct marketing. I hope I'm wrong about that, but it sure seems that way. As Ian Lynch said, "just give some encouragement to those that have already volunteered and let them take care of it. Delegation is allowed."


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